Psychologist and teacher.With over two decades of expertise, Amparo studies and supports individuals who use photography to enhance their creativity and facilitate their personal growth. Through her work over the years, she has provided valuable information via articles, masterclasses, and courses covering topics that intersect photography and psychology and embarked on personal photography projects. In collaboration with Javier Sancho Boils, she has created ANDANAfoto. Since 2015, they have offered photography workshops with various organizations and platforms.She is the author of the books “Fotografía para crecer. Guía práctica para enseñar fotografía en la infancia y adolescencia (Photography to Grow: A Practical Guide for Teaching Photography to Children and Adolescents)” and “Descubre la fotografía. Mirar, crear y disfrutar desde la infancia (Discover Photography: Look, Enjoy, and Create from your Childhood)”.
Can images change the world we live in?
This great question can haunt those who make documentary photography, those who find spaces, places and communities in the world that need help or global support, and those who say that what is happening can’t happen in an ethical and civilized society.
The use of photography as a therapeutic tool was explored and investigated by many doctors and psychiatrists with different individual and group techniques and resources.
This exhibition talks about the need to break the silence, to give light and make visible the reality of people in the process of integration, anonymous artists or ordinary people that we all are. The images show a normalizing and integrating nuance, an understanding of reality from the perspective of its own protagonists.
Have you ever thought about how you are? Who are you? If you are where you want to be? Typically, we don’t reflect on how we are, what makes us happy or brightens our days, unless something breaks our stability.
In this image-driven culture, it is no surprise to find tweens and teens with Instagram accounts filled with hundreds of images and thousands of followers. Instagram is used for chatting, exchanging information, sharing photos, showcasing personal life, posting inspiring quotes, and building self-image, which is why it is a favorite among young people.
As a method or instrument of artistic expression, photography holds all the necessary characteristics to make us more cognitively and creatively effective.
It was a great find. Few books speak so clearly about the processes of therapeutic photography and the use of photography in personal spaces and social intervention.
But why do humans obsess over documenting in serial form?
Design your own cartography and include the elements in your city that you would represent but are not shown on the official map.
A photograph is where the interests and desires of the viewer intersect, and these are just as important for the person taking the photo as they are for the viewer. Sometimes, the message aligns, and sometimes, it does not. That is why photography, rich in meaning for both the photographer and the viewer, is always an OPPORTUNITY.