The supreme happiness of life is knowing that you are loved (looked at) by yourself or, more precisely, in spite of yourself.

Victor Hugo

Start: January 13, 2025

Duration: 5 weeks

Modality: Online

3rd edition.

Photography speaks of aspirations and challenges, offering a unique perspective on life. When choosing to show an image, we make many decisions: the setting, space, framing, composition, camera type, editing, selection, and development… All these decisions inevitably define us.

Images tell the story of our bodies, lives, hobbies, experiences, and projects. When we look at photographs, we come to realize we are looking at ourselves. And that is the key: to take notice of this.

The Online Specialization Course on Self-Knowledge through Photography is an online training course that lasts at least five weeks. Throughout this course, you’ll explore photography as a means of self-discovery at your own pace. The curriculum includes theoretical insights and practical exercises based on humanistic and gestalt psychology, as well as contemporary art.

The course includes all the necessary tools to learn about and experience photography as a tool for personal transformation, theories, practical content, inspiration, and 26 activities.

Once you have access to the content, you have the freedom to enjoy the experience at your own pace.

I invite you to embark on this course with an open and curious mind: a game, a way of looking at things without any preconceptions, without accepting or rejecting anything, simply living the experience, and enjoying the journey of getting to know yourself as if meeting someone for the first time.

Download your certificate

Duration: 5 weeks

Be part of the community

Lifetime access to the content

Platform available 24/7


Course taught in English

  • Before we start
    There are those who take photos, and there are those who think about them. I am more like the second type. When I reflect on the circumstances that led me to use photography as a tool for self-knowledge, I think about myself, the pivotal moment of change in which I was immersed, and how photography allowed me to find myself, shape my identity, and reconstruct who I am today.
  • LESSON 1. Preliminary Exercises.
    Have you ever trained in self-knowledge? Have you thought about what you are like? What do you believe or think about yourself? Let’s begin!
  • LESSON 2. The Right to Have a Gaze and to Create.
    To understand what the gaze is, we can explore the differences between seeing, gazing, and observing.
  • LESSON 3. The Self-Portrait as Body Image: My Costumes, My Emotions, My Authenticity.
    You may photograph landscapes, night photos, or portraits, but you will be an exception if you have never been tempted to get in front of the camera and take a self-portrait.
  • LESSON 4. Body Itinerary. My Secrets and My Fears.
    It all starts with the body… It’s all body. Nothing exists outside the body. Ivone Gebara
    What can be more personal than the body itself? We are our body, and our body is the only thing that belongs to us. We can’t leave our body; we live with it.
  • LESSON 5. Family Album.
    Photography is a first-order scientific and artistic exercise. Thanks to photography, we get to experience more in life because it allows us to observe things more closely and for longer periods. The fugitive record of our memories becomes a copious album of images. Life passes, but images remain. Santiago Ramón y Cajal
  • LESSON 6. Identity and Sense of Belonging.
    Forming a personal identity is a journey that begins in the most intimate sphere. The initial seed from which identity is built arises from one’s sense of belonging to the family of origin.
  • LESSON 7. Analyzing your own Work. Keywords and Discovery.
    Virtually all photography manuals discuss technique and composition. However, composition is not the most important aspect of a photograph. I like to think that photography is like the vocal apparatus. We might have excellent control over our voice, ensuring its frequency and tone are perfect. However, this mastery will serve little purpose if we don’t have something meaningful to sing or say.
  • LESSON 8. Analyzing Significant Images. Photographic Projection. The Image as an Answer.
    In this lesson, you will probably need to open your mind and surrender all your psychic defenses. We will enter the unconscious mind, which for some exists and for others doesn’t. I will try to offer you the most poetic and integrative vision. After all, we can only approach what we don’t know and connect with it through art and metaphor.
  • LESSON 9. Great Artists, Great Ways to Get to Know Yourself Through Images.
    The name of this lesson is redundant. Making art, expressing yourself through art, and, in this case, through pictures, is a means of making yourself known and conveying something about yourself while also conveying it to yourself.
  • LESSON 10. Starting a Personal Project.
    There are still many things to discuss, reflect on, and express. There is still much to say and comment on, which is why this lesson on starting your own personal project can be the key and the culmination of this endless quest to get to know yourself. This lesson will be the last exercise of this online course.
  • To Continue Learning…
    Bibliography and Additional Resources

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Whoever looks out dreams. Whoever looks inwards wakes up.

Carl Gustav Jung

Who this Course is for

  • This course is tailored for individuals seeking to explore photography as a means of personal transformation. It delves into visual culture and photographic expression as a tool for discovery and self-knowledge.
  • It’s also for individuals interested in self-discovery and reflection on their identity who want to enhance their self-concept and self-esteem.
  • This course is for you if you want to boost your creative potential in photography and explore your artistic expression and development.

How it Works

  • Click on the “Sign Up” button to complete your registration.
  • You will receive a confirmation email and access to the initial content upon registration. Please check your spam folder if you haven’t received the confirmation email.
  • You will receive an email with the link to access the new content every Monday for five weeks. There will be two lessons per week.
  • The contents are always available on the training platform. You’ll also have access to updates.
  • Upon completion, you will have the opportunity to download your 40-hour diploma.
  • You have the option to purchase a gift card featuring a customized message, which will be emailed on your chosen date. Additionally, you can opt to print the gift card.


Amparo Muñoz Morellà

Psychologist, promoter, and teacher. Co-director of ANDANAfoto and creator of this course.

Amparo has over 20 years of experience in community intervention and social integration. She conducts research and supports individuals who utilize photography as a means to enhance their creativity and facilitate personal growth. Through her work, she provides valuable information via articles, masterclasses, and courses, covering topics that intersect photography, psychology, and personal photography project guidance.

Alongside Javier Sancho Boils, they constitute ANDANAfoto. Since 2015, they have focused on imparting photography workshops that serve as educational, personal, and social development tools for various organizations and government entities.

She is the author of the books “Fotografía para crecer. Guía práctica para enseñar fotografía en la infancia y adolescencia (Photography to Grow: A Practical Guide for Teaching Photography to Children and Adolescents)” and “Descubre la fotografía. Mirar, crear y disfrutar desde la infancia (Discover Photography: Look, Enjoy, and Create from your Childhood)”.

You can learn about her work, conferences, courses, and workshops at

With the translation of Denise Ponce

The contents of this course have been adapted into English by ANDANA and translated by Denise Ponce.

Course Reviews


The whole course for a one-time payment.


This course includes all the necessary tools to learn about and experience photography as a tool for personal transformation, theories, practical content, inspiration, and 26 activities.

Last day to sign up.

100% transparent and secure one-time payment

Give this online course as a gift

You can buy a gift card with a personalized message that will be delivered to the recipient via email on the date of your choosing. You also have the option to print out the gift card and give it in person


What is the difference between this course and the Photography to Get to Know Yourself training experience?

The online “Specialization Course on Self-Knowledge through Photography” is a course with a minimum duration of 5 to 10 weeks. In it, you will work at your own pace on using photography as a tool for self-knowledge, with theoretical insights and practical exercises based on humanistic and gestalt psychology and contemporary art. Upon completion, you will receive a diploma.

It’s important to note that this training is not exclusively for professionals. It’s designed for individuals to explore their own journey of self-knowledge. However, if you are a professional, you will find many valuable insights applicable to your work.

On the other hand, the “Photography to Get to Know Yourself” workshop offers an online recreational experience. Through photographic exercises inspired by contemporary photography, it explores personal topics for self-exploration. There is no theoretical foundation, but it is a transformative experience.

There is no fixed schedule; you can enjoy the experience with total freedom. You receive 24 sessions with audio training, inspiring artists, photographic exercises, and recommended music. To listen to, read, and watch the contents of each session, you will need between 10 and 15 minutes each day. You are in charge of deciding when to access the content and create the suggested images.

Participants can find a meeting point with others on Instagram. You can also find other training experiences with this methodology.

All our workshops are training experiences where emotion plays a significant role. Each workshop is unique and compatible with others.

Is access to the course permanent?

Yes, you will have permanent access to the training platform for the Online Specialization Course on Self-Knowledge Through Photography and all its contents. You will also receive access to any future updates.

What is the schedule?

The course consists of an introductory module, ten modules with the training contents, and an additional module with annexes.

Modules 1 and 2 will be available in the first week, while the remaining modules will become available at a rate of two per week.

When will I receive my diploma?

Upon successful completion of the course, you will have the opportunity to download a 40-hour diploma.

I don't know how to use an SLR camera. Can I still take the course?

Yes, we didn’t cover using an SLR camera during the course. You can complete all the practical activities using any device capable of taking photos.

What are the payment methods?

You can pay by bank card (Credit or Debit), PAYPAL, Google Pay, or Apple Pay. All payments are made securely with SSL encryption.

Can I pay in my currency?

The original price is in US dollars. The payment is made in this currency because the training platform operates in USD. We do this to facilitate exchange with other currencies.

Even if you see the price in dollars at the time of enrollment, you can make the payment in any currency. The bank card payment gateway we work with (Stripe) or PayPal automatically converts your currency to dollars. Your payment will appear in your statement in your currency.

Do you have any questions or encounter any problems while completing your enrollment? Email us at