Photography and Personal Development Training

Photography as an educational and personal and social development tool.

Unique Photography and Personal Development Training Experiences


05feb2:30 pm2:30 pmSELF-PORTRAIT WORKSHOPAn auditory and visual experience designed to train your visual literacy and photographic expression through the practice of self-portraiture.

17feb12:09 am12:09 amONLINE SPECIALIZATION COURSE ON LEADING PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTHThis course includes all the necessary tools to lead photography workshops for children and youth, including theoretical and practical content, inspiration, and activities.


05mar12:40 pm12:40 pmPHOTOGRAPHY TO GET TO KNOW YOURSELFA Photography-Based Online Workshop on Self-Discovery and Self-Knowledge.

17mar8:41 am8:41 amONLINE SPECIALIZATION COURSE ON SELF-KNOWLEDGE THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHYThis course includes all the necessary tools to learn about and experience photography as a tool for personal transformation, theories, practical content, inspiration, and 26 activities.


07may2:30 pm2:30 pmEROSA photography workshop to love yourself and freely develop your erotic exploration through creativity and pleasure.

Interactive eBooks to help you train your visual culture and photographic expressions to use as tools for self-knowledge

Photography to get to know yourself. Origin

Photography has the power to transform and reveal who you are. This interactive book invites you to delve into nine artistic projects, where images and human concerns engage in profound dialogue. Each project encourages you to “Experiment” through exercises that invite you to enjoy photography as a tool for transformation and healing. These activities are designed to inspire you and help you discover new ways of looking at things and feeling. From self-portraits that reflect personal resilience to connecting with nature as a reminder of our connection with the world, each experience offers a journey of its own.

Discover new ways of thinking, feeling, and expressing who you are. Learn more by scanning the QR code inside. After all, you are what you look at, and every image is an opportunity to rediscover yourself and connect with the world in a more conscious and authentic way.
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You are what you look at

Photographs speak of aspirations, challenges, and a way of looking at life. Images enable self-discovery, providing insights into who you are, where you are now, and where you aspire to be. They empower you, shaping a fresh perspective and emotional connection with the world and influencing personal and social transformation.

In the book You Are What You Look At from the collection Photography to Get to Know Yourself, you will explore photography’s potential as a tool of self-knowledge, personal expression, and development, grounded in a theoretical framework rooted in psychology and the creative processes of contemporary art.

Everything you look at and photograph through your lens reflects your unique gaze—how you and only you look at things. So, look closely and attentively; don’t overlook anything.

You are what you look at.  Read more >

Fourth Edition of the ANDANA Photography Contest – 2025

Photography by Mireia Vilaplana – Winner of the Third Edition

ANDANA annually announces its Photography Awards to promote photographic creation in personal and social development and contribute to the recognition and visibility of artistic projects.

Five prizes of 200 USD each will be awarded. Additionally, each project will be included in the interactive book EROS from the collection PHOTOGRAPHY TO GET TO KNOW YOURSELF.

Registration is open to anyone who has participated in any ANDANA training. Photographic projects eligible for the award must be submitted in digital format by March 3, 2025. Read more >

The best wisdom that exists is knowing yourself



Photography as an educational, personal and social development tool.


ANDANAfoto’s Artificial Intelligence specializing in photography training and personal development

Hi! I am Mira, an Artificial Intelligence specializing in photography and personal development training at ANDANAfoto. I can assist you by providing information, tips, and recommendations for using photography as an educational and personal and social development tool.

If you have any questions or concerns or simply want to have a friendly chat, please don’t hesitate to let me know. So, go ahead and tell me what brings you here!😊💖

Our Collaborations

Entities who have placed their trust in us and with whom we work closely
Universidad de Salamanca
Centre Pompidou Málaga
Consorci de museus de la generalitat valenciana
Fundación Diagrama
Imaginaria Fotografía en primavera
PUCE Ecuador
Ministerio de educación y formación profesional
Centre ocupacional 9 d octubre
Consejo escolar del Estado
Expofoto Galicia
Librería Railowsky
Fundación Bancaja
APAMI Catarroja
UPCCA Ajuntament de Xeresa
ASPRONA Valencia
Asociación nacional para la enseñanza de la fotografía
Canet Crea