A marvelous experience! It has allowed me to contemplate matters and dismantle any fears or barriers. I’ve gained insights into myself and the world around me. This experience has been…


…my connection with photography and guided me to discover my own style. While I haven’t completed all the subjects yet, I intend to work through them at my own pace….


I found it extremely profound and wonderful because it is a fusion of photography, which is my passion, with getting to know myself and being able to express myself openly….


…course, extremely thorough. It introduces you to a world of thinking and thinking about yourself, both as an individual and as a photographer, through your unique and distinct gaze. @lucianamicaelafotografa…

Luciana Lozano

…lot of interest and inspiration, motivating me to keep contemplating new photographic projects. I was also very interested in the path of self-exploration we were taking… Again, congratulations and thanks!…


…extraordinary! I couldn’t be more grateful for everything I’ve learned. Thanks to ANDANAfoto, I’ve seen the perspective of the photography behind the photo, the inspiration, and intention behind it!  …


…verb “to love” through other verbs has been great. What can I say that I haven’t said before? I am fascinated and grateful!! A big hug for both of you….


…realize I was meant to find it. I’m looking forward to more! It went by quickly, and now I even think it was short. Thank you very much for everything!…
