It was a great experience; it informed my practice and helped me open up to new ideas while revisiting old ones from new angles. And I loved the artist’s inspirations;…


…see. An adventure into myself through self-portraiture. A space to get to know myself better, express myself, and show myself as I am. A deep journey. The workshop is delightful….


Each activity has been an experiment and a self-discovery process. It encourages you to explore, observe details about yourself, and reflect. I highly recommend it.


A beautiful and enlightening course to connect with your emotions and the act of loving. It’s doable, even if you have little time. A beautiful gift to give yourself!…


I haven’t completed the online course “Self-Knowledge Through Photography” yet, but I followed Amparo’s advice and started from the beginning, diligently completing all the exercises in order. Truth be told,…

Marta Peris

It is so lovely when someone helps you collect everything inside you. For me, this experience felt like a rediscovery. Thank you so much!


The course was definitely worth it. I loved the dynamic, and it helped me reflect on certain topics. I also enjoyed taking the photos, which made my imagination fly.


…could get to know myself, love myself, and show myself, including my defects, without fear of being ridiculed or of what people might say. I feel very confident. Thank you….


This workshop gives you the little push you need to go deeper, feel, and live unexpectedly. It helps you surprise yourself.
