About us

Photographs involve us optically, neurologically, intellectually, emotionally, viscerally, and psychically. Photographs ask us for scrutiny and interpretation. They seduce us and motivate us. They propose ideas, transmit values and build opinions. We look at certain photographs because they calm us or excite us. Others solve problems for us, or create them. Photographs can empower us, or degrade us. Photographs can foster empathy, but they can be just as effective in distancing us from what they represent. They are memory and forgetfulness. We tend to think of photos as rearview mirrors, but the reality is that photography moves us forward and changes everything.
( Our personal translation of Marvin Heiferman’s text )

Images educate us. This is why we promote the teaching of visual culture and photographic expression in childhood and adolescence.

Since its founding, we have been part of the national Association for the Teaching of Photography (ANEF) an entity that promotes research and exchange of excellent and innovative didactic experiences.

If you love photography, education, personal development and social transformation – Stay ! You have found us.

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Amparo Muñoz Morellà

Psychologist, photographer and teacher, Amparo has more than 20 years of experience in community service and social integration through artistic tools. She investigates and supports people who are committed to photography as a strategy to enhance their creativity and as a tool for personal growth and social inclusion. She develops an important, informative work through articles, master classes and courses in subjects such as photography and psychology, seeking to inspire the authenticity of personal photographic projects.  

Author of the books “Fotografía para crecer. Guía práctica para enseñar fotografía en la infancia y adolescencia” (Photography to Grow: A Practical Guide for Teaching Photography to Children and Adolescents),  “Descubre la fotografía. Mirar, crear y disfrutar desde la infancia“(Discover Photography: Look, Enjoy, and Create from your Childhood), “You Are What You Look At and “Photography to Get to Know Yourself. Origin.”


Javier Sancho Boils

Javier Sancho Boils is it photographer, web designer and teacher. He teaches courses and conferences on the use of photography as a means to improve brand image and increase online positioning. Since 2016 Javier directs AnandaSOLUTIONS which provides solutions in web design, photography and training to companies and people who need quality Internet presence. Professor of image for RRSS and e-commerce in the postgraduate “EXPERT IN RETAIL AND POINT OF SALE MANAGEMENT” at the European University of Valencia.

Author of the book “Fotografía mejor para vender más, crea imágenes de calidad para tu tienda online y redes sociales, “Descubre la fotografía. Mirar, crear y disfrutar desde la infancia” , “You Are What You Look At” and “Photography to Get to Know Yourself. Origin.” 



Our Collaborations

Entities who have placed their trust in us and with whom we work closely
Universidad de Salamanca
Centre Pompidou Málaga
Consorci de museus de la generalitat valenciana
Fundación Diagrama
Imaginaria Fotografía en primavera
PUCE Ecuador
Ministerio de educación y formación profesional
Centre ocupacional 9 d octubre
Consejo escolar del Estado
Expofoto Galicia
Librería Railowsky
Fundación Bancaja
APAMI Catarroja
UPCCA Ajuntament de Xeresa
ASPRONA Valencia
Asociación nacional para la enseñanza de la fotografía
Canet Crea