A marvelous experience! It has allowed me to contemplate matters and dismantle any fears or barriers. I’ve gained insights into myself and the world around me. This experience has been entirely novel and fulfilling. It is great knowing I’m not the only crazy one, hahaha. Thank you so much, ANDANAfoto.


A friend recommended the course to me, and I didn’t know what to expect… I loved the concept, and doing it motivated me very much. It’s like going to therapy! When it ended, I felt sad knowing I would no longer receive the audio clips and ideas they gave us. However, I am happy to know they have more courses ❤️ Thanks for helping us discover the art living in us.


It was a great experience; it informed my practice and helped me open up to new ideas while revisiting old ones from new angles. And I loved the artist’s inspirations; education on other artists’ works is very important! The songs were a fun addition as well.
