Hamish Fulton

Hamish Fulton 2016. Walking to Benicadell and others of the exhibition in Bombas Gens[Photography]. Recovered from Website: https://www.bombasgens.com/es/exposiciones/hamish-fulton/   Artist’s content is used solely for the purpose of photography teaching and personal development.

Inge Morath y Saul Steinberg

Saul Steinberg e Inge Morath. 1962. Series of masks [Photograph of Inge Morath]. Recovered from: http://ingemorath.org/ y  https://saulsteinbergfoundation.org Artist’s content is used solely for the purpose of photography teaching and personal development.

Francesca Woodman

Francesca Woodman. Dossier prensa Expo F.Woodman Fundación Canal [Photography]. Recovered from: https://www.fundacioncanal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Dossier_prensa_Expo_FWoodman.pdf Artist’s content is used solely for the purpose of photography teaching and personal development.  

Dorothy Shoes

Dorothy Shoes. (2017). ColèresS Planquées [Photography]. Recovered from: https://cargocollective.com/dorothyshoes/ColeresS-Planquees Artist’s content is used solely for the purpose of photography teaching and personal development.

Erwin Wurm

  Erwin Wurm. (1996-2017). One minute sculptures, Austria [Photography]. Recovered from: erwinwurm.at Artist’s content is used solely for the purpose of photography teaching and personal development.

Zhang Huan

  Zhang Huan. (2000). Family Tree, New York, USA  [Photography]. Recovered from: zhanghuan.com Artist’s content is used solely for the purpose of photography teaching and personal development.

Bárbara Traver

Bárbara Traver. (2017). Portrait [Photography]. Recovered from Website: barbaratraver.com INSTAGRAM @barbaratraver_ Artist’s content is used solely for the purpose of photography teaching and personal development.

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin. (1809). Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals [Photography]. Recovered from: https://imagespublicdomain.wordpress.com/tag/expression-of-the-emotions-in-man-and-animals-charles-darwin/ Artist’s content is used solely for the purpose of photography teaching and personal development.

Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta. (1972). Glass on body [Photography]. Recovered from: anamendietaartist.com Instagram: @anamendietaofficial Artist’s content is used solely for the purpose of photography teaching and personal development.